SCASS meetings/minutes of meetings

minutes for SCASS meeting 08-08-08

1:12pm – reports back for BBQ held on the lawn, Wednesday (06-08-08). Everything went smoothly.

1:18pm – SCA Open Day 30th August. Josh, Jack, and Adam accept roles as SCA ambassadors and will work on the day, showing prospective students and their families around campus.

1:24pm – Reminder of Dean’s meeting next Wednesday. Proposed recycling/re-use room on campus to minimise waste. Grant has commented that there is currently changes on main campus regarding recycling. He has told SCASS his hands are tied until these changes are consolidated.

1:30pm – SCASS Art Prize? Problems surrounding the writing of proposal for SCA Galleries has hampered progress. Potential for Venice Biennale Tickets as prize. Belle has offered to complete proposal by next Friday.

1:36pm – Lisa has stood down as Verge co-ordinator for 2008. At this stage there is no-one to replace her.

1:39pm – importance and potential of both the PALM awards and CASH for Art competitions. Suggestion of the need to advertise more, especially in SCAR.

1:44pm – National Day of Action (NDOA) 20th August.  Demand Fair Student Income Support. Annual protest to be held in front of the great hall on main campus at 1pm.

1:46pm – Christopher made liaison officer for Callan Park. Re-iteration of importance to keep this on our radar.

1:49pm – General discussion of problems surrounding the hiring of SCASS equipment. Specifically a recent situation that arose where Matthys Gerber has had possession of a projector for 2 months when the original agreement was only 3 days. Pete is following this up.

1:55pm – Jack has voiced a  possible clash for the proposed film night on 24th August. A PhD lecture scheduled for the same night may provide noise issues for the bands. Also, Agar Dish, a student initiative to foster creative minds on campus has suggested a combined event on which ever night we agree. General consensus is that this is a good idea.

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